Deborah Young Astrology
All Sessions with Deborah Young focus on relevant areas of your life's story.

(Please note that appointments are only booked a few months in advance, so currently you will only see available days for the next number of months.
Please check back later if you intend to book a date that has not been made available for bookings yet, - we will open future months on a regular basis. )

Choose a service to schedule


Astrological Skype, Zoom or Phone Consultation - $210
Astrological Consultation - $210
Please Note:
In-House Consultations are currently no longer offered, all consultations will take place via Zoom.
Hypnosis Session - $210
Hypnosis sessions are offered for the following: Over-eating, smoking, alcohol and gambling addiction. Phobias and fears. Past-life history.

Navigate Now

Navigate Now: The Jupiter square Saturn transit - $60
This is a series of group sessions that help you navigate personal and global
changes. Each session is themed, with some having a couple of themes. You may
sign up for one or all. My high aim is to offer insights into how certain Planetary
patterns impact your life, and how best to navigate. We can be empowered by
knowing these patterns and moving forward with wisdom, and confidence. Check
out the list of Navigate Now sessions. You may join one or all!

To Register: Anyone is free to join. No knowledge of Astrology is required. To
register, go to my website:, click on Services, and go
to workshops. Please ensure all your Birth and contact information is correct.
*Note* There’s a limit of 15 people per session.
Where: Zoom. All participants will receive an audio recording of each session.
Fee: Each Navigate Now session is $60.00, which is payable by etransfer to If paying by PayPal, please use Payment is to be received at least three days
before a session.
August 12 th , 6:45 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
The Jupiter square Saturn transit: Hope, fear, expansion, contraction, and a test
of faith. This personal and global influence will shadow us till June/2025. Where
these two giants of the Cosmos land in your personal Chart and how they interact
with other Planets is essential to know. In this first Navigate Now session, I will
explore each person’s placements and how to show up with intention and a plan.
Navigate Now: What’s Love got to do with it? - $60
This is a series of group sessions that help you navigate personal and global
changes. Each session is themed, with some having a couple of themes. You may
sign up for one or all. My high aim is to offer insights into how certain Planetary
patterns impact your life, and how best to navigate. We can be empowered by
knowing these patterns and moving forward with wisdom, and confidence. Check
out the list of Navigate Now sessions. You may join one or all!

To Register: Anyone is free to join. No knowledge of Astrology is required. To
register, go to my website:, click on Services, and go
to workshops. Please ensure all your Birth and contact information is correct.
*Note* There’s a limit of 15 people per session.
Where: Zoom. All participants will receive an audio recording of each session.
Fee: Each Navigate Now session is $60.00, which is payable by etransfer to If paying by PayPal, please use Payment is to be received at least three days
before a session.
September 6 th , 12:45 p.m.-3: 00 p.m.
What’s Love got to do with it? Our focus today is on relationships! I will talk
about loving your love wounds, and guide you to understand (and love), your

other’s wounds. A peek at the upcoming Lunar Eclipse and exploring how it will
impact your life is a must!
Navigate Now: The Generational Spiritual and Karmic Influence. - $60
This is a series of group sessions that help you navigate personal and global
changes. Each session is themed, with some having a couple of themes. You may
sign up for one or all. My high aim is to offer insights into how certain Planetary
patterns impact your life, and how best to navigate. We can be empowered by
knowing these patterns and moving forward with wisdom, and confidence. Check
out the list of Navigate Now sessions. You may join one or all!

To Register: Anyone is free to join. No knowledge of Astrology is required. To
register, go to my website:, click on Services, and go
to workshops. Please ensure all your Birth and contact information is correct.
*Note* There’s a limit of 15 people per session.
Where: Zoom. All participants will receive an audio recording of each session.
Fee: Each Navigate Now session is $60.00, which is payable by etransfer to If paying by PayPal, please use Payment is to be received at least three days
before a session.
September 13 th , 12:45 p.m.-3: 00 p.m.
The Generational Spiritual and Karmic Influence. For some, lineage energies play
a big role in a lot of your life choices. Often, these are unknown. Unpacking and
understanding these influences is liberating. We also look at the Spiritual gifts you
have inherited. Still, Eclipse season, so we will fly up to the Moon and Sun,
checking how they are influencing your life.
Navigate Now: The Energy of Money, Security and the Value of Your Values. - $60
This is a series of group sessions that help you navigate personal and global
changes. Each session is themed, with some having a couple of themes. You may
sign up for one or all. My high aim is to offer insights into how certain Planetary
patterns impact your life, and how best to navigate. We can be empowered by
knowing these patterns and moving forward with wisdom, and confidence. Check
out the list of Navigate Now sessions. You may join one or all!

To Register: Anyone is free to join. No knowledge of Astrology is required. To
register, go to my website:, click on Services, and go
to workshops. Please ensure all your Birth and contact information is correct.
*Note* There’s a limit of 15 people per session.
Where: Zoom. All participants will receive an audio recording of each session.
Fee: Each Navigate Now session is $60.00, which is payable by etransfer to If paying by PayPal, please use Payment is to be received at least three days
before a session.
September 20 th , 12: 45 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
The Energy of Money, Security and the Value of Your Values. These are always
important but with the once-in-every-84-year transit of radical Uranus in Taurus,
it’s essential to understand your personal relationship, and how that is reflected
in your Chart. If there’s time, more Eclipse talk!
Navigate Now: Childhood and Creativity. - $60
This is a series of group sessions that help you navigate personal and global
changes. Each session is themed, with some having a couple of themes. You may
sign up for one or all. My high aim is to offer insights into how certain Planetary
patterns impact your life, and how best to navigate. We can be empowered by
knowing these patterns and moving forward with wisdom, and confidence. Check
out the list of Navigate Now sessions. You may join one or all!

To Register: Anyone is free to join. No knowledge of Astrology is required. To
register, go to my website:, click on Services, and go
to workshops. Please ensure all your Birth and contact information is correct.
*Note* There’s a limit of 15 people per session.
Where: Zoom. All participants will receive an audio recording of each session.
Fee: Each Navigate Now session is $60.00, which is payable by etransfer to If paying by PayPal, please use Payment is to be received at least three days
before a session.
September 27 th , 12: 45 p.m.-3: 00 p.m.
Childhood and Creativity. We will be unpacking happy/sad childhood experiences
and how they have informed your relationship to career, money, love, and your
creative heart. For this Navigate Now session, it is recommended that you have
been in, or are currently in counseling.
Navigate Now: Afterlife. - $60
This is a series of group sessions that help you navigate personal and global
changes. Each session is themed, with some having a couple of themes. You may
sign up for one or all. My high aim is to offer insights into how certain Planetary
patterns impact your life, and how best to navigate. We can be empowered by
knowing these patterns and moving forward with wisdom, and confidence. Check
out the list of Navigate Now sessions. You may join one or all!

To Register: Anyone is free to join. No knowledge of Astrology is required. To
register, go to my website:, click on Services, and go
to workshops. Please ensure all your Birth and contact information is correct.
*Note* There’s a limit of 15 people per session.
Where: Zoom. All participants will receive an audio recording of each session.
Fee: Each Navigate Now session is $60.00, which is payable by etransfer to If paying by PayPal, please use Payment is to be received at least three days
before a session.
October 4 th , 12: 45 p.m.-3: 00 p.m.
Afterlife. I connect very easily to loved ones who have passed on. We will check in
and see what, if any messages, they may have for you. I will also look into any
grief journey you are on.
Navigate Now: Work, Work, Work. - $60
This is a series of group sessions that help you navigate personal and global
changes. Each session is themed, with some having a couple of themes. You may
sign up for one or all. My high aim is to offer insights into how certain Planetary
patterns impact your life, and how best to navigate. We can be empowered by
knowing these patterns and moving forward with wisdom, and confidence. Check
out the list of Navigate Now sessions. You may join one or all!

To Register: Anyone is free to join. No knowledge of Astrology is required. To
register, go to my website:, click on Services, and go
to workshops. Please ensure all your Birth and contact information is correct.
*Note* There’s a limit of 15 people per session.
Where: Zoom. All participants will receive an audio recording of each session.
Fee: Each Navigate Now session is $60.00, which is payable by etransfer to If paying by PayPal, please use Payment is to be received at least three days
before a session.
October 11 th , 12: 45 p.m.-3: 00 p.m.

Work, Work, Work. This is a big and timely topic. We are undergoing a radical
shift in terms of the kinds of work that are falling away and new career
opportunities on the horizon. What does meaningful work mean for you?
Navigate Now: All about Mars. - $60
This is a series of group sessions that help you navigate personal and global
changes. Each session is themed, with some having a couple of themes. You may
sign up for one or all. My high aim is to offer insights into how certain Planetary
patterns impact your life, and how best to navigate. We can be empowered by
knowing these patterns and moving forward with wisdom, and confidence. Check
out the list of Navigate Now sessions. You may join one or all!

To Register: Anyone is free to join. No knowledge of Astrology is required. To
register, go to my website:, click on Services, and go
to workshops. Please ensure all your Birth and contact information is correct.
*Note* There’s a limit of 15 people per session.
Where: Zoom. All participants will receive an audio recording of each session.
Fee: Each Navigate Now session is $60.00, which is payable by etransfer to If paying by PayPal, please use Payment is to be received at least three days
before a session.
October 18 th , 12: 45 p.m.-3: 00 p.m.
All about Mars. The Planet of action, energy, passion, aggression, and War will be
going Retrograde this year. This means Mars will hang out in one or two areas of
your personal Chart for an extended period. This is highly significant for you, and
the world.
Navigate Now: Last Call. - $60
This is a series of group sessions that help you navigate personal and global
changes. Each session is themed, with some having a couple of themes. You may
sign up for one or all. My high aim is to offer insights into how certain Planetary
patterns impact your life, and how best to navigate. We can be empowered by
knowing these patterns and moving forward with wisdom, and confidence. Check
out the list of Navigate Now sessions. You may join one or all!

To Register: Anyone is free to join. No knowledge of Astrology is required. To
register, go to my website:, click on Services, and go
to workshops. Please ensure all your Birth and contact information is correct.
*Note* There’s a limit of 15 people per session.
Where: Zoom. All participants will receive an audio recording of each session.
Fee: Each Navigate Now session is $60.00, which is payable by etransfer to If paying by PayPal, please use Payment is to be received at least three days
before a session.
October 25 th , 12: 45 p.m.-3: 00 p.m.
Last Call. This will be the last Navigate Now session this year! Those who register
are invited to send in a few questions they would like to see addressed. It’s your
Navigate Now!

Online Classes

Level IV - Astrology Classes - $220
6 Online Sessions of 2 hours each. September 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, Oct 2nd, 9th.

No one left behind! We will do a extensive review of Planets, Signs, Houses, and Aspects. Transits to Natal Chart to explore inner / outer world happenings will be an ongoing study. We will be covering Progressions and Solar Arcs this cycle, which forecasts periods of challenges, grows and emotional and spiritual evolvement.
Advanced Astrology Classes - $220
Six class sessions, 2 hours each. September 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, Oct 1st, 8th.

We will explore the mysterious fixed stars and their influence on all areas of life. Review of the Asteroid Goddesses and other key asteroids is also part of the plan.
Of course a review of key concepts and applications of planetary patterns progressed and solar arcs is also planned.